How outdated rules restrict gay men from donating blood
Dr. Kevin Johnson, MD, MS, FAAP, FAMIA, FACMI shares his experience trying to donate blood as a gay man and discusses how the Unites States has more restrictive rules than […]

A Budding Epidemiologist Tests Positive
Epidemiology PhD candidate Katherine Strelau reached a new understanding when she tested positive for Covid-19: We have entered a new era of the pandemic, she wrote in an opinion piece. […]

Questions Good AI Should Answer
A good clinician consultant should be able to explain why they arrived at a particular recommendation, and explainable artificial intelligence should also be possible, writes Jason Moore, PhD ” […]

What Is Data Science?
Jason Moore, PhD, shares his understanding of his field: Data science, at its heart, is about solving a problem with whatever tools you have at your disposal. Read the article […]

Equalizing Access to Clinical Trials
Typically underserved groups are underrepresented in therapeutic clinical trials” so the findings may be less applicable for them. Sean Hennessy, PharmD, PhD, describes how experimental treatment has benefited his wife […]

Why Are So Many Black Americans Dying of COVID-19?
Across the United States, black Americans are dying from COVID-19 at disproportionately higher rates than their white counterparts. If the data from other large cities hold true in Philadelphia ” […]

What a Ventilator Shortage Means During COVID-19 ” and How We Can Help
We believe that as many as one million Americans will need the support of ventilators ” five times the number we have, writes critical care physician Meghan Brooks Lane-Fall, MD, […]

CHBR Director writes in The Philadelphia Inquirer about her father’s health care experience
While shared and electronic medical records have many benefits, they carry unacknowledged risks. One is that the primary diagnosis becomes a patient’s identity, even when that diagnosis is in error […]