Using AI to Uncover Hospital Patients’ Long COVID Care Needs
In a new study, Yong Chen, PhD and colleagues at Penn Medicine, used AI and latent transfer learning to analyze long-COVID data, identifying four patient sub-populations with distinct care needs, improving hospital resource allocation and tailoring treatment for diverse patient populations.

Jiajie Chen, PhD
Jiajie Chen is an Application Programmer at the Center for Center for Health AI and Synthesis of Evidence (CHASE) and the PennCIL Lab at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of […]

Natasia Jacko-Gomez, MPH
Natasia Jacko-Gomez is a project manager for the Center for Health AI and Synthesis of Evidence (CHASE) and the Penn Computing, Inference and Learning Lab (PennCIL Lab). She joined the Department […]

Yong Chen, PhD
Dr. Yong Chen is Professor of Biostatistics at Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics (DBEI), and a Senior Scholar at Center for Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics (CCEB) at the University […]