The poster presenting the results from the healthy eating study conducted by Karen Glanz, PhD, MPH; Amanda Fultz, PhD, RDN; Yolande Goncalves, MPH; Pui Kwong, MPH; and Christina Roberto, PhD., was chosen as one of the top ten posters in Penn Medicine’s 8th Annual Health Equity Initiative Awards. The chosen posters were quite impressive and presented by contributing authors during a virtual, lightning round event on Thursday, April 6, 2023.
Dr. Glanz stepped through the Impact of Real-Time Incentives on Fruit and Vegetable Purchases and Diet. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of financial incentives delivered in real-time at the point of purchase, on low-income consumers’ purchase of fruits and vegetables (FV), FV consumption among adults and their children, diet quality, and weight/BMI. The study tested real-time incentives compared to a no-incentive control condition. Dr. Glanz noted the adjustments they made during the COVID pandemic. (Click the image below to view the poster)