


The Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics brings together experts in three basic sciences, who create and demonstrate novel methods.


Wallace T. Miller Sr. Professor of Radiology; Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering; and Professor of Informatics
George Demiris
Mary Alice Bennett University Professor
Associate Professor of Informatics
Professor of Medical Informatics in Epidemiology
Photo of Kevin B. Johnson
David L. Cohen University Professor
Dokyoon Kim
Associate Professor of Informatics
Cecilia Fitler Moore Professor, Computer and Information Science and Professor of Informatics
Jason Moore, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Informatics (Penn) / Professor of Computational Biomedicine and AI in Medicine (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center)
Danielle Mowery, PhD, MS, MS, FAMIA
Assistant Professor of Informatics
Edward Rose, MD and Elizabeth Kirk Rose, MD Professor of Genetics and Informatics/Director, Division of Informatics
Headshot of Joseph D. Romano, PhD
Assistant Professor of Informatics
Photo of Li Shen
Professor of Informatics
Associate Professor of Informatics and Anesthesiology and Critical Care/Endowed Chair in Biomedical Informatics and Entrepreneurial Science
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Informatics
Assistant Professor of Informatics
Gary Weissman
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Informatics

About Us

To understand health and disease today, we need new thinking and novel science —the kind  we create when multiple disciplines work together from the ground up. That is why this department has put forward a bold vision in population-health science: a single academic home for biostatistics, epidemiology and informatics. 

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